Products / AED’s - Defibrillators / Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator

Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator carries innovation in its genes. Building on the successes of the other members of the HeartStart family of defibrillators, the FRx brings innovations to the treatment of SCA.
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The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator carries innovation in its genes. Building on the successes of the other members of the HeartStart family of defibrillators, the FRx brings innovations to the treatment of SCA.
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Product Specifications:
- Dimensions: 2.4in h x 7.1in d x 8.8in w (6 cm x 18 cm x 22 cm)
- Weight: Approximately 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg) with battery and pads installed
- Pads compatibility: HeartStart FRx SMART Pads II
- Battery compatibility: HeartStart OnSite/Home/FRx Battery, Long-Life LiMn02
- Therapy: Adult defibrillation: peak current 32 A (150 J nominal into a 50 ohm load)
- Pediatric defibrillation with optional Infant/Child SMART Pads Cartridge installed: peak current 19 A (50 J nominal into 50 ohm load)
- Environmental: IP55
Product Benefits:
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator carries innovation in its genes. Building on the successes of the other members of the HeartStart family of defibrillators, the FRx brings innovations to the treatment of SCA.
SMART Technology only from Philips.
At the core of all HeartStart Defibrillators is SMART Biphasic technology. The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator’s biphasic waveform delivers a highly effective defibrillation shock that is also gentle to the heart. No other external defibrillation therapy has been supported by more published clinical data.
SMART Analysis
A proven Philips technology for heart rhythm assessment, ensures that FRx Defibrillator only shocks when it should. SMART Analysis automatically assesses the victim’s heart rhythm and is designed not to deliver a shock unless the rhythm is determined to be shockable — even if the shock button is pressed. What’s more, SMART Pads II enable the FRx to keep pace with the responder by adjusting to their actions.
Designed for real world use
The Philips HeartStart FRx Defibrillator is exceptionally rugged. Designed to surpass rigorous testing requirements, the FRx withstands jetting water, loads up to 500 pounds and a one-meter drop onto concrete.
Built on a platform of proven ease-of-use
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator was designed to be as easy to use as the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator and shares many of its features, including CPR Coaching and intuitive icon-driven operation. Although small and lightweight - just 3.5 pounds - the FRx is equipped to guide you through the resuscitation of a SCA victim.
The HeartStart FRx guides you through every step with clear, calm voice commands and descriptive visual icons. The FRx even reminds you to call emergency medical services (EMS).
Pressing the blue i-button activates HeartStart CPR Coaching for assistance with CPR. The flashing icons and the Quick Reference Guide can be used to lead you through the defibrillation steps - even in situations where hearing voice instructions is a challenge.
Once EMS arrives, hand-off is fast and easy because the FRx is compatible with advanced defibrillators like the HeartStart MRx. With HeartStart adapters, our pads can be plugged into devices from other manufacturers to ensure continuity of care.
Reliability backed by Philips
The HeartStart FRx Defibrillator is powered by an easy to install, long-life (four-year) battery, so you know the device is charged and ready. The device's automated daily, weekly and monthly self-tests check the pads readiness, and verify functionality and calibration of circuits and systems. With over 85 tests, the FRx is one of the most comprehensive self-testing devices on the market and is virtually maintenance-free. The blinking green “Ready” light on the defibrillator is your assurance that the device is ready for use.